Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Dont Blame It On Bieber

did u guys heard about this news ?
Justin Bieber was the cause of an early and accidental reveal of "Gears of War 3."

wtf . what he do.

Have you seen "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" last night . *OMG!! u guys should watch it.

Actually Cliffy Bleszinski was scheduled to appear on
"Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" last night,
But he was bumped to next week due to a scheduling conflict.
That scheduling conflict? Justin Bieber.
Yup, CliffyB was bumped by the teen pop sensation,
moving the much-anticipated game reveal to next Monday.

Unfortunately it seems that no one told Microsoft's Xbox Live division about the move,
after last night's episode of "Late Night" aired which revealed not only the existence of "Gears of War 3,"
but also the release date: April 2011

So, were it not for Justin Bieber, the announcement would've gone completely as planned last night.
Now Bleszinski's thunder is totally stolen for Monday's show and he'll have to come up with some other game to announce.

Here how it goes .
We don't think that they should blame it on Justin Bieber.
Agree with us? Leave us your comment ;D


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